It's okay to leave if things are not as expected

Lately i have been reading a series of articles about individuals who are leaving or have left their former places of  employment and giving their reasons for leaving.It is very interesting to note that most express dislike about the way things were being steered by their former companies.What is being brought out is that these big companies had turned evil and deviated from their original well meaning motives, if they ever existed.

For one, i tend to think that this is natural.In the world there exists no organisation with an altruistic motive.To think of it, the golden rule is always "whats in it for me".What is actually happening is that eager graduates are drawn in to companies thinking that they are contributing to a greater good, only to realize this years later.Of course there's the usual bouts of philanthropy that usually exist, but deep down to the core, profit is the main motivation.

Startup founders are encouraged to formulate brilliant ideas by looking for problems to solve, or scratching common itches.Ones success is achieved, it all becomes about maximizing profits.Soon the users needs are swept aside.The outlook currently is that the future is in startups, but remember too that the big corporations which have turned evil were once startups.Inevitably as a startup grows into a large  company, moral decay starts occuring.This comes with size and does not occur within a close tightly knit community around a startup because everybody knows everybody and there is close interaction.

There exists a theory in the field of Organization management that brings out this aspect, that as an organization grows it becomes more and more it's expected.